Personal Training

Personal Training – Coaching

Coaching is the key word here, and am always giving feedback when necessary. I’m not just going to stand there and count reps. I’m going to coach you.

 All clients are assessed to determine their goals, current levels of cardiovascular strength, muscle strength, coordination and core strength. Once we have all that info I can help by offering ongoing training, custom-designed programs to do on your own or I can walk you through your current program to make sure your form and intensity is where it should be.

My focus is on helping people achieve long-term results through challenging and varied workouts that involve strength training, cardiovascular work, core training and innovative stretching and mobility techniques.


There is no better way to stay true to your exercise program than to be accountable to your fitness trainer.

These programs are optimal for me to design a personal fitness program that is uniquely yours.  All programs are ideal for:

  • New exercisers who will benefit from a program designed to educate, motivate and track success.
  • Experienced fitness participants, able to train independently and follow exercise prescriptions.
  • Anyone seeking to improve athletic performance with sport specific training guidelines.
  • Exercise adherence…stay motivated and focused on your fitness program and goals.